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Online, Onsite, Brussels, Belgium
European Sustainable Energy Week

How to participate in EUSEW 2022


Register by clicking the registration button and following the instructions on the form.

Complete your profile

Make sure to complete all fields in order to raise your visibility on the platform and help other participants with shared interests to find you. 

Plan your agenda

Explore the programme for the extended programme (19-23 September) and the Policy Conference (26-29 September) and start adding sessions of your interest to your personal agenda for the week.

Connect with other participants

Browse published participants profiles and send meeting requests to those you want to meet during the event or online. 

Additional functionalities will be available as the event approaches: more information coming soon.

Closed since 30 September 2022
Charlemagne Building - Rue de la Loi/Wetstraat,170 -1040 Brussels
Organised by
Business/Industry 2037
Consultancy 1015
Public sector organisation (national, regional/local) 1010
Academia 866
Other 785
NGO 549
EU Institution 532
Research organisation 318
International organisation 244
EU-funded project 139
Think tank 132
SMEs association 89
Citizens' group 54
Consumer association 16
Total 7786
Profile views
Total 14578